Friday, December 9, 2022

Publication: Short textbook of OCT

 Our colleague Yoshiaki Yasuno recently released a short textbook "Optical coherence tomography - principles, implementation, and applications in ophthalmology." This is a revised version (ver. 3.0a) of a short but comprehensive tutorial written for students, engineers, and uses of OCT who newly study about this topic.

The text is open access and available at arXiv under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlikes (CC BY-SA) licence.

Citation: Yoshiaki Yasuno, "Optical coherence tomography - principles, implementation, and applications in ophthalmology," arXiv:2212.04380 (2022),

>> Full-text available (open access)

 私たちの研究グループの安野氏がオンラインテキスト「Optical coherence tomography - principles, implementation, and applications in ophthalmology」を公開しました。この教科書はOCTについて新しく勉強を始める学生、エンジニアやOCTを使って臨床検査を行う医師、OCTを使った研究を行う研究者にむけて書かれた包括的なチュートリアルです。

このテキストはクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示継承ライセンス (SS-SA)でarXiv上で公開されています。

Citation: Yoshiaki Yasuno, "Optical coherence tomography - principles, implementation, and applications in ophthalmology," arXiv:2212.04380 (2022),

>> Full-text available (open access)

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

筑波大学COG研究紹介 2022年版


私たちの研究室では「計算光学顕微鏡」(Computationally augmented optical coherence microscopy) という技術・装置の開発・研究を行っています。この技術は光学イメージング技術と情報処理技術を組み合わせることで従来計測することのできなかった生体の様々な機能、形態を可視化するものです。



Wednesday, November 30, 2022

OCTを学ぶためのリンク集 (OCT講習会資料・関連リンク)


※ 研究室参加希望者オススメ記事

本日(2022年11月30日) 行われる「OCT講習会」で私達のグループの安野が「安野流! OCTの理解: Cascading encoder-decoder model で理解する光コヒーレンストモグラフィー」と題したチュートリアル+技術モデル講演を行います。




※ 2021年のビデオと 2022年の論文では論理構成が多少異なります。2022年版ではあらたに「オブジェクト統制」という概念を導入することにより、認識論哲学との類似性に頼らずに計測行為の整理を行っています。


  • 安野の YouTube channel
    シリーズ化された講義はチャンネル内の Playlist でまとめてあります。「論文の読み方」など、OCTとは直接関わらない研究チュートリアルなども公開しています。最大のヒット作はなぜか「確率論」です。
  • Yasuno's cabinet (web-site)
    主にグループ内教育用に書かれたテキストや、グループ内外でのチュートリアル講演で用いた資料を公開しています。また、「論文の書き方」(Card-based paper writing) などの一般的な研究テキストも公開しています。

written by Yoshiaki Yasuno

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Publication: wide-field retinal imaging by convolutional Lissajous scan OCT

Our colleague Makita recently reported a new very-wide-field imaging method for human eye (retina). Here a new Lissajous scan method is used with optical coherence tomography (OCT). The center of the Lissajous scanning is designed to slowly drift during the scan, so that very wide field on the retina is scanned. In addition, the eye motion during the scan is corrected by post-acquisition signal processing by
exploiting the Lissajous scan's property.

This method was applied to pathological cases including age-related macular degeneration and branch retinal vein occlusion, and was proved to be useful for the clinical evaluation of such diseases.

This method is expected to enable comprehensive and high-sensitive screening of retinal diseases.

The details of this research are published in Biomedical Optics Express.

Citation: S. Makita, S. Azuma, T. Mino, T. Yamaguchi, M. Miura, and Y. Yasuno, "Extending field-of-view of retinal imaging by optical coherence tomography using convolutional Lissajous and slow scan patterns," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 5212-5230 (2022).

>> Full-length article (open access).




本研究の詳細は、Biomedical Optics Expressに掲載されています。

Citation: S. Makita, S. Azuma, T. Mino, T. Yamaguchi, M. Miura, and Y. Yasuno, "Extending field-of-view of retinal imaging by optical coherence tomography using convolutional Lissajous and slow scan patterns," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 5212-5230 (2022).

>> Full-length article (open access).

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Video lecture series: Fundamentals of Fourier-Domain OCT

Here we release a new lecture series "Fundamentals of Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography." This is a series of five lectures given at University of Tsukuba by Yoshiaki Yasuno, and is aiming at educating students who newly study optical coherence tomography. 

I believe this is a good entering points for anyone starting OCT related research/study. 

The five videos are available at a YouTube playlist. 

>> YouTube Playlist "Fundamentals of Fourier-domain OCT."

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Publication: Holographic refocusing of polarization-sensitive OCT

Our colleagues Lida Zhu recently published a new method to increase the resolution and measurement accuracy of polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT).

PS-OCT is an extension of OCT which provides three-dimensional distribution of quantitative polarization property of living samples. However, its measurement always exhibit optical imperfection, such as defocus. Lida showed for the first time that such imperfection results in inaccurate polarization measurement of PS-OCT. In addition, he introduced holographic refocusing to PS-OCT and successfully reduces such inaccuracy. This accuracy correction was experimentally demonstrated by measuring several phantom samples and biological samples such as a zebrafish and an ex vivo chicken muscle.

The details are published in Biomedical Optics Express.

Citation: L. Zhu, S. Makita, D. Oida, A. Miyazawa, K. Oikawa, P. Mukherjee, A. Lichtenegger, M. Distel, and Y. Yasuno, "Computational refocusing of Jones matrix polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography and investigation of defocus-induced polarization artifacts," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 2975-2994 (2022).

>> Full-length article (open access).

 私たちの研究室の Lida Zhu さんが偏光感受型OCT(PS-OCT)の分解能と偏光計測精度を向上させる新しい方法を発表しました。

PS-OCT は生体試料の偏光特性を定量的に計測するような機能拡張されたOCT技術です。しかし、その測定には常にデフォーカスなどの光学的欠陥がつきまといます。Lida さんは本研究で、このような光学的欠陥がPS-OCTで計測される偏光特性値を不正確にする(偏光特性値にシステミックな誤差を生じさせる)ことを初めて示しました。さらに、ホログラフィックリフォーカシングをPS-OCTに導入することで、この計測誤差を低減することに成功しました。この誤差低減方法はゼブラフィッシュなどの生体試料、及び様々な疑似試料(ファントム)を測定することで実験的に実証されました。

この研究の詳細は、Biomedical Optics Expressに掲載されています。

L. Zhu, S. Makita, D. Oida, A. Miyazawa, K. Oikawa, P. Mukherjee, A. Lichtenegger, M. Distel, and Y. Yasuno, "Computational refocusing of Jones matrix polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography and investigation of defocus-induced polarization artifacts," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 2975-2994 (2022).

>> Full-length article (open access).

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Publication: comprehensive and high-resolution imaging of zebrafish

Our colleague Antonia Lichtenegger reported multi-contrast and high-resolution tomographic imaging of zebrafish by using our developed optical coherence tomography microscopy (OCM).

Zebrafish is a small and short-life-span fish and can closely mimic human diseases. And hence it is an important animal for medical and life-science research. For example, tumor-model zebrafish can be used for oncological study and anti-cancer-drug study. 

Lichtenegger applied two of our self-developed OCM systems including "multi-contrast Jones-matrix OCM" and "high-resolution OCM" to the investigation of tumor-model zebrafish. The Jones-matrix OCM gives quantitative optical properties of the zebrafish tissues, and it was found that the normal and tumor tissues have different polarization and scattering properties. The high-resolution OCM revealed very fine structural details of the zebrafish.

The details are reported in Biomedical Optics Express.

Citation: A. Lichtenegger, P. Mukherjee, L. Zhu, R. Morishita, K. Tomita, D. Oida, K. Leskovar, I. Abd El-Sadek, S. Makita, S. Kirchberger, M. Distel, B. Baumann, and Y. Yasuno, "Non-destructive characterization of adult zebrafish models using Jones matrix optical coherence tomography," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 2202-2223 (2022).

>> Full-length article (open access).

 私たちの研究室の Antonia Lichtenegger さんが光コヒーレンストモグラフィー顕微鏡(OCM)によるゼブラフィッシュのマルチコントラスト・高解像度イメージングについて論文を出版しました。


Lichtenegger さんは、私たち自身が開発した「マルチコントラスト Jones matrix-OCM (JM-OCM)」と「高解像度OCM」という2つのOCMシステムもちいて腫瘍モデル ゼブラフィッシュのイメージング研究を行いました。JM-OCMを用いることでゼブラフィッシュ組織の光学特性を評価することに成功し、正常組織と腫瘍組織が異なる偏光

この研究の詳細は Biomedical Optics Express の以下の論文として出版されました。

Citation: A. Lichtenegger, P. Mukherjee, L. Zhu, R. Morishita, K. Tomita, D. Oida, K. Leskovar, I. Abd El-Sadek, S. Makita, S. Kirchberger, M. Distel, B. Baumann, and Y. Yasuno, "Non-destructive characterization of adult zebrafish models using Jones matrix optical coherence tomography," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 2202-2223 (2022).

>> Full-length article (open access).

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Publication: melanin assessment of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease by polarization sensitive OCT

Our collaborator Masahiro Miura from Tokyo Medical University recently reported a new image-based assessment method for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (VHK). 

VHK is a systemic disease associated with abnormal reduction of melanin. It also affects the eye and causes the reduction of visual function. Miura used our custom-developed polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) to evaluate the melanin in the choroid, which is the layer beneath the retina. His study revealed that the PS-OCT imaging can be used to evaluate the stages of VKH.

The details of his research is published in Scientific Reports.

Citation: M. Miura, S. Makita, Y. Yasuno, S. Azuma, T. Mino, T. Yamaguchi, T. Iwasaki, R. Nemoto, H. Shimizu, and H. Goto, "Objective evaluation of choroidal melanin loss in patients with Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada disease using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography," Sci. Rep. 12, 3526 (2022),

>> Full-length article (open access).



この研究の詳細は、Scientific Reports に論文として掲載されています。

Citation: M. Miura, S. Makita, Y. Yasuno, S. Azuma, T. Mino, T. Yamaguchi, T. Iwasaki, R. Nemoto, H. Shimizu, and H. Goto, "Objective evaluation of choroidal melanin loss in patients with Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada disease using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography," Sci. Rep. 12, 3526 (2022),

>> Full-length article (open access).

Monday, January 31, 2022

Publication: Fish is polairzed - See full optical property of zebrafish

 Our colleague Antonia Lichtenegger recently demonstrated the whole body and full-optical property of a zebrafish. Zebrafish recently attracts the attentions of biological, medical, and pharmaceutical researchers as it can closely mimic human disease and its fast growth enables quick-research cycle.

In this demonstration, wildtype zebrafish at three development stages, namely eight-days, one-month and two-month post fertilization were investigated in vivo using a polarization-sensitive Jones-matrix optical coherence tomography (JM-OCT) prototype. The scatter and polarization characteristics of various zebrafish organs, such as the skin, the muscles, and the eye, were analyzed in three-dimensions, in a label-free and non-destructive fashion. The presented results showed a promising first step for the usability of JM-OCT in zebrafish-based research.

The details of this study can be found in a recently published article in Journal of Biomedical Optics (SPIE).

A. Lichtenegger, P. Mukherjee, J. Tamaoki, L. Bian, L. Zhu, I.G. Abd El-Sadek, S. Makita, K. Leskovar, M. Kobayashi, B. Baumann, Y. Yasuno, "Multicontrast investigation of in vivo wildtype zebrafish in three development stages using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography," J. Biomed. Opt. 27, 016001 (2022).

>> Full-length article (open access). 

私達の研究室の Antonia Lichtenegger さんが生きたままのゼブラフィッシュのマルチコントラスト光イメージングについて論文を出版しました。ゼブラフィッシュは成長・進展の早い人体の疾患モデルとして近年生物学、医学、薬学で大きな注目を集める動物です。

 この論文では、我々の開発した Jones matrix OCT (JM-OCT) 顕微鏡を用いて、発生後8日、1ヶ月、2ヶ月という3つのタイミングにおけるゼブラフィッシュの全身、皮膚、筋肉、眼球などの組織・臓器のマルチコントラスト・3次元トモグラフィーイメージングに成功しました。この結果は、今後 JM-OCT がゼブラフィッシュを用いた生物、医学、薬学研究において有用なツールになることを示唆しています。

 この研究の詳細は米光工学会 (SPIE) の Journal of Biomedical Optics に掲載されています。

A. Lichtenegger, P. Mukherjee, J. Tamaoki, L. Bian, L. Zhu, I.G. Abd El-Sadek, S. Makita, K. Leskovar, M. Kobayashi, B. Baumann, Y. Yasuno, "Multicontrast investigation of in vivo wildtype zebrafish in three development stages using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography," J. Biomed. Opt. 27, 016001 (2022).

>> Full-length article (open access).