Thursday, December 10, 2020

Presentations: "multi-contrast OCT microscope"

Here we release five short presentation videos about our multi-contrast OCT microscope.

  1. "Label-free imaging of mouse liver dynamics" by Pradipta Mukherjee
  2. "Tissue dynamics imaging of tumor spheroid" by Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek
  3. "Computational directional OCT imaging" by Daisuke Oida
  4. "Polarization sensitive OCT microscope with computational refocusing" by Lida Zhu
  5. "Tissue scatterer density estimation by deep learning" by Thitiya Seesan
The videos are available on this YouTube Play list or the embedded video screen below. (You can select each presentation by the playlist, while all videos are played in a sequence at the embedded  video screen.) Enjoy!

私達の「マルチコントラストOCT顕微鏡」の左心の研究成果を紹介するショート プレゼンテーション ビデオ5件を公開します。英語のプレゼンですが、画像を見るだけでも面白いと思います。ぜひみてみてください!

ビデオはこの YouTube プレイリスト もしくは下の埋込ビデオから視聴できます。

Joschi, Yoshiaki Yasuno

Tuesday, December 1, 2020



Saturday, October 10, 2020

Publication: Label-free imaging of cancer spheroid dynamics

 Our colleague Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek recently published his new technology "dynamics optical coherence tomography OCT imaging." In this study, he demonstrated new imaging method, which is a combination of new imaging protocol of OCT and a newly developed signal processing method. 

By using this method, he successfully visualized the tissue activity of human cancer culture (MCF7 spheroid) totally non-invasively. This method also successfully visualized the anti-cancer drug response of the MCF7 spheroid.

The details are reported in Biomedical Optics Express, a journal of Optical Society of America.

>> Full length article (open access).

The digest of this research is also available on this short presentation video (YouTube).

私達の研究室の博士課程在学中の Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek さんが組織ダイナミクスイメージングに関する論文を発表しました。この研究で Ibrahim さんは新たに「組織の活動性を非侵襲・ラベルフリーにイメージングする手法」を開発しました。これは、OCTの新しい走査法とOCT信号の時間ゆらぎを解析する新しい信号処理手法の組み合わせによって実現されています。


詳細は米光学会の学術雑誌 Biomedical Optics Express に発表されています。

>> Full length article (open access).

この研究のダイジェストはこのプレゼンテーション ビデオ(YouTube) でもご覧いただけます。

I.A. El-Sadek, A. Miyazawa, L.T.W.Shen, S. Makita, S. Fukuda, T. Yamashita, Y. Oka, P. Mukherjee, S. Matsusaka, T. Oshika, H. Kano, and Y. Yasuno, "Optical coherence tomography-based tissue dynamics imaging for longitudinal and drug response evaluation of tumor spheroids," Biomedical Optics Express 11, 6231- (2020).

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Publication: Phase stabilization for holographic OCT processing

Our colleague Kensuke Oikawa recently reported a newly developed numerical method for volumetric phase stabilization of optical coherence microscopy (OCM) in Biomedical Optics Express.

In this study, Kensuke developed a new method to estimate the volumetric phase error (bulk phase error) of OCM, and also developed a method to correct this error. This method enabled highly accurate holographic processing of OCT.

By using this method, he demonstrated holographic refocusing of volumetric OCM of muscle samples. Owing to this methods, the fine muscle fiber structure was visualized over more than 600-um depth.

The details of the research is reported in Biomedical Optics Express.

>> Full length article (open access).

当研究室の及川健介君が研究成果を Biomedical Optics Express 誌に発表しました。

この研究の詳細は Biomedical Optics Express 誌に掲載されています。

K. Oikawa, D. Oida, S. Makita, Y. Yasuno, "Bulk-phase-error correction for phase-sensitive signal processing of optical coherence tomography,"  Biomedical Optics Express 11, 5886- (2020).

Monday, August 31, 2020

Publication: Numerical analysis of polarization sensitive OCT signal

Our collaborator Hiroyuki Ichikawa from Ehime University and we jointly reported the numerical analysis of signal property of polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT).

In this study, we used finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to analyze the OCT probe beam's propagation property in a periodic structure. By this analysis, we found an artificial signal peak is generated as the OCT's probe beam passing through a grating structure.

This method will be used to interpret PS-OCT signals and to relate it to sample structures.

The details of the research is reported in OSA Continuum.

>> Full length article (open access).




この研究の詳細は OSA Continuum 誌に掲載されています。

H. Ichikawa, Y. Yasuno, and H. Fujibuchi, "Optical coherence tomography interpreted by diffractive optics: A-scan image formation with wavelength-scale diffraction gratings as samples," OSA Continuum 3, 2395- (2020).

Wednesday, January 1, 2020



  • 【募集人員】 1
  • 【勤務場所】 筑波大学医学学系棟
  • 【職務内容】 細胞および組織サンプルの作製および病理組織学的解析と機能イメージング解析
  • 【応募資格】 細胞および組織サンプルの作製および病理組織学的解析と機能イメージング解析ができる方
  • 【雇用期間】 2023101日~ 2024331
  • 【勤務時間】 8:3017:1517時間45分、休憩60分)
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