About us

Computational Optics Group at the University of Tsukuba.

私たち Computational Optics Group は筑波大学応用光学研究室内の研究グループとして 1999 年に産声を上げました。その時の研究テーマは「時空間光情報処理」。私たちが「Computational Optics Group」を名のるゆえんです。


The computational optics group (COG) was formed in 1999 as a division of applied optics laboratory, institute of applied physics, university of Tsukuba. At that epoch time, we studies on spatio-temporal optical computing, and so we named ourselves as COG.
          In 2000, we started our biomedical imaging projects as an application-project of our spatio-temporal optical computing technologies. In 2002, we made a decision to turn our research direction from optical computing to computer assisted optical measurement. In 2007, we became an independent from the applied optics laboratory.
          Our current research interest covers optical coherence tomography, Jones matrix tomography, ophthalmic imaging, skin imaging, and three-dimensional polarization sensitive microscopy.
          You may find more details of our research in Research section of our website.

Joschi, Yoshiaki Yasuno