Monday, October 16, 2023

Publication: Dynamic OCT reveals spatial response of anti-cancer drug in spheroids

 Our colleague, Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek, recently revealed that the spatial pattern induced by anti-cancer drugs in tumor spheroids varies among tumor types and drug types.

Ibrahim applied his own developed dynamic optical coherence tomography (D-OCT) method to 3D tomographic visualization of tumor spheroids treated by anti-cancer drugs. The study involved two types of cancer cells, including breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and colon cancer cells (HT-29), and the spheroids were treated by two types of anti-cancer drugs, including paclitaxel (PTX, Taxol) and SN-38. The D-OCT revealed that the size, shape, and cellular activity are highly affected by anti-cancer drugs, and the spatial pattern of cellular activity alteration also depends on the cell type and the drug type. 

The details of this research are published in Scientific Reports.

Citation: I.A. El-Sadek, L.T.W. Shen, T. Mori, S. Makita, P. Mukherjee, A. Lichtenegger, S. Matsusaka, and Y Yasuno, “Label-free drug response evaluation of human derived tumor spheroids using three-dimensional dynamic optical coherence tomography,” Sci. Rep. 13, 15377 (2023).

>> Full article (open access)

わたしたちの研究室の Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek さんが腫瘍スフェロイドにおいて抗癌剤によって誘導される空間パターンが、腫瘍の種類や薬剤の種類によって異なることを明らかにしました。

El-Sadek さんは独自に開発した dynamic 光コヒーレンストモグラフィー法(D-OCT)を抗がん剤で処理した腫瘍スフェロイドの3D断層可視化に応用しました。この研究では、乳がん細胞(MCF-7)と結腸がん細胞(HT-29)の2種類のがん細胞のスフェロイドを用い、それらのスフェロイドをパクリタキセル(PTX、タクソール)とSN-38を含む2種類の抗がん剤で処理しました。D-OCT撮影の結果、スフェロイドの大きさ、形状、細胞活性が抗がん剤に大きく影響され、さらに、細胞活性の変化の空間パターンも細胞の種類や薬剤の種類によって異なることが明らかになりました。

この研究の詳細はScientific Reports誌に掲載されています。

Citation: I.A. El-Sadek, L.T.W. Shen, T. Mori, S. Makita, P. Mukherjee, A. Lichtenegger, S. Matsusaka, and Y Yasuno, “Label-free drug response evaluation of human derived tumor spheroids using three-dimensional dynamic optical coherence tomography,” Sci. Rep. 13, 15377 (2023).

>> Full article (open access)

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