Thursday, October 21, 2021

Publication: Three-dimensional dynamics optical coherence tomography for tumor spheroid evaluation

 Our colleague Ibrahim Abd El-Sadek recently reported label-free volumetric imaging of human tumor spheroid.

In this research, he improved our previously reported label-free tissue activity method into three-dimensional (3D). By introducing a new probe-beam scan protocol and an optimized signal processing method, he successfully visualized and quantified the  3-D tissue viability of human breast cancer cell cultures (MCF7) spheroid. By virtue of the non-invasiveness of the method,  the hourly time-course alteration of the spheroid viability was investigated. The spheroids were also treated by anti-cancer drugs and their drug response was also visualized in 3D.

The details are reported in Biomedical Optics Express.

>> Full length article (open access).

私達の研究室で博士取得のために研究している Ibrahim El-Sadek さんが腫瘍スフェロイド(培養腫瘍細胞塊)の活動性の三次元イメージングに成功しました。


本研究の詳細は Biomedical Optics Express 誌で報告しています。

>> Full length article (open access).

Citation: I.A. El-Sadek, A. Miyazawa, L.T.W. Shen, S. Makita, P. Mukherjee, A. Lichtennegger, S. Matsusaka, and Y. Yasuno, ``Three-dimensional dynamics optical coherence tomography for tumor spheroid evaluation,'' Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 6844- 6863 (2021).