Friday, June 25, 2021

Short Lecture on Multi-contrast Optical Coherence Microscope

 Here we release a short (15-min) video about our "multi-contrast optical coherence microscope (OCM)" project. The multi-contrast OCM enabled deep-tissue imaging, label-free metabolic contrast, tissue ultrastructure (microstructure) assessment, and quantitative 3D polarization imaging.

The video gives a short introduction to our recent development of the multi-contrast OCMOCM. 

私達の開発している「マルチコントラスト OCT顕微鏡」のハイライト解説ビデオ(英語15分)を公開します。このマルチコントラストOCT顕微鏡は組織の深い部分を光分解で可視化できる他、非侵襲ラベルフリーにかつ三次元的に組織代謝を可視化したり、3次元かつ定量的に組織の偏光特性を可視化することができます。ビデオでは最近の研究結果をまとめて解説しています。

>> YouTube video





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>> 講義シリーズ「社会と研究と計測」のプレイリスト

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Publication: Computational multi-directional imaging

Our colleague Daisuke Oida recently reported a new high-resolution tissue assessment method so-called "computational multi-directional imaging."
This method is the combination of phase sensitive optical coherence tomography (OCT) and holographic signal processing. This method generates multiple OCT images which are similar to those taken from several observation directions. By using this method, Daisuke successfully visualized sub-OCT-resolution microstructures of ex vivo muscle samples.

The details are reported in Biomedical Optics Express, a journal of Optical Society of America.

>> Full-length article (open access)

私達の研究室の笈田大介君が「computational multi-directional imaging」という新しいイメージング手法に関する論文を出版しました。


この研究の詳細は米光学会の研究誌 Biomedical Optics Express に出版されました。

>> Full-length article (open access)


Daisuke Oida, Kiriko Tomita, Kensuke Oikawa, Tai-Ang Wang, Shuichi Makita, Meng-Tsan Tsai, and Yoshiaki Yasuno, "Computational multi-directional optical coherence tomography for visualizing the microstructural directionality of the tissue," Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 3851-3864 (2021),