Lecture Material: Collaboration of University and Industry for the Development of Medical Equipment
(See below for an English version)
応用理工学概論「医療機器開発と産学連携」の講義資料を公開します。いそいで作った出来の悪いマテリアルですが… 興味のある方はどうぞ。
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Joschi, 安野嘉晃
Here we release a Lecture Material of ``Collaboration of University and Industry for the Development of Medical Equipment.'' This material is for the lecture of``Introduction to Applied Science and Engineering,'' which is a general introduction for the 1st year students of our University (University of Tsukuba).
The material is still very primitive and written in English... But you can download it from the following URL.
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Joschi, Yoshiaki Yasuno