Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Publication: Multi-contrast imaging of Vogt-Koyanagi Harada disease

 Our collaborator Masahiro Miura from Tokyo Medical University and we jointly reported that our multi-contrast  OCT can clearly visualize the pathologies of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (VKH).

VKH is a systemic disease associated with abnormality of melanin. It also strikes the posterior eye and can cause blindness. Miura used both near infrared fundus autofluorescence imaging and a custom-built multi-contrast polarization-sensitive OCT build by us for the evaluation of RPE's melanin. It was demonstrated that the multi-contrast OCT can be used to evaluate the melanin accumulation at RPE.

The details of the research is published in Scientific Reports.

東京医科大学 三浦雅博教授と私達の研究グループの共同研究の成果である「マルチコントラストOCTによる原田病における色素上皮異常の評価」が Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS) 誌において発表されました。


この研究の詳細は IOVS 誌に掲載されています。

M. Miura, S. Makita, S. Azuma, Y. Yasuno, S. Sugiyama, T. Mino, T. Yamaguchi, T. Agawa, T. Iwasaki, Y. Usui, N.A. Rao, H. Goto, "Evaluation of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Layer Change in
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease With Multicontrast Optical
Coherence Tomography," Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60, 3352 (2019).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Publication: Clinical Full Jones Optical Coherence Tomograph

Our colleague Shinnosuke Azuma recently reported a new clinical grade Jones matrix optical coherence tomography (JM-OCT) for retinal investigation.

This new system is the state-of-the-art clinical system, which is very compact in size and  highly stable. As a fully-functional JM-OCT, it measures a set of three-dimensional tomographies of human subjects' retina by a single click. The set of tomographies consists of structural tomography, polarization uniformity tomography (indicating melanin distribution), OCT angiography (flow imaging), and birefringence tomography (collagen specific tomography).

The clinical value of the new JM-OCT system was validated by measuring pathologic eyes of age-related macular degeneration, polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy and drusen.

The details of the research is published in Biomedical Optics Express.




この研究の詳細は米光学会ジャーナル「Biomedical Optics Express」に報告されています。
>> Full length article (open access).

S. Azuma, S. Makita, D. Kasaragod, S. Sugiyama, M. Miura, and Y. Yasuno, "Clinical multi-functional OCT for retinal imaging," Biomedical Optics Express 10, 5724-5743 (2019).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Publication: Polarization Sensitive Optical Coherence Elastography

Our colleague Arata Miyazawa recently reported a new method for non-invasive imaging with high tissue discrimination ability, so called as "polarization sensitive optical coherence elastography" (PS-OCE).

The PS-OCE method developed measures three tissue properties including light scattering, polarization property (birefringence) and mechanical stiffness. He also developed a method to fuse these three properties to discriminate several tissue types. The method was validated by using porcine esophagus and aorta tissues, and it successfully shows high tissue discrimination ability similar to conventional invasive histologies.

The details of the research is published in Biomedical Optics Express.




この研究の詳細は米光学会ジャーナル「Biomedical Optics Express」に報告されています。
>> Full length article (open access).

A. Miyazawa, S. Makita, E. Li, K. Yamazaki, M. Kobayashi, S. Sakai, and Y. Yasuno, "Polarization-Sensitive Optical Coherence Elastography," Biomedical Optics Express 10, 5162-5181 (2019).

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Publication: Multi-contrast Imaging for age-related macular degeneration

Our collaborator Masahiro Miura and we jointly reported reported a promising application of multi-contrast optical coherence tomography (MC-OCT) for the diagnosis of retinal disease, serous retinal pigment epithelium detachment (PED) of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

AMD is one of the leading cause of blindness, and its diagnosis is crucial for preventing blindness. In this study, Miura investigated the morphological and optical properties of PED by using a custom-made MC-OCT and near-infrared fundus auto-fluorescence imaging (FAF). It was found that MC-OCT can clearly visualize the melanin defect associated with PED. So, MC-OCT might become a powerful diagnostic tool for AMD.

The details of the research is published in Scientific Reports.

東京医科大学 三浦雅博教授と私達の研究グループの共同研究の成果である「加齢黄斑変性色素上皮剥離の評価方法」が Scientific Reports 誌において発表されました。

加齢黄斑変性は主要な中途失明原因の一つであり、その診療には色素上皮剥離と呼ばれる以上の評価が重要です。この研究では近赤外眼底自発蛍光イメージングと私達の開発したマルチコントラストOCT(Jones-matrix OCT)により色素上皮剥離をともなった加齢黄斑変性の眼底を観察し、マルチコントラスト OCTが色素上皮の疾患検査に対して有用なツールであることを示しました。

この研究の詳細は Scientific Reports 誌に掲載されています。

M. Miura, S. Makita, S. Azuma, Y. Yasuno, S. Ueda, S. Sugiyama, T. Mino, T. Yamaguchi, H.S. Sandhu, H.J. Kaplan, T. Iwasaki, and H. Goto, "Evaluation of focal damage in the retinal pigment epithelium layer in serous retinal pigment epithelium detachment," Scientific Reports 9, 3278 (2019).

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Publication: Multi-directional optical coherence elastography

We recently published our first optical coherence elastography (OCE). In this research, we developed a new OCT based elastographic method, which visualizes microscopic tissue alteration induced by tiny (1-micron) compression of the tissue.

Among several variations of OCE, our method is characterized by its ability to determined the distribution of 3-D vectorial displacement and visualize local deformation of microscopic structure that is smaller than the optical resolution.

The method was applied to ex vivo porcine tissues, and successfully visualized microscopic mechanical response of the tissue.

The details are published in Optics Letters.

>> Full length article (Open access).

E. Li, S. Makita, S. Azuma, A. Miyazawa, and Y. Yasuno, "Compression optical coherence elastography with two-dimensional displacement measurement and local deformation visualization," Optics Letters 44, 787-790 (2019).




この研究の詳細は米光学会のジャーナル Optics Letters に掲載されました。

>> Full length article (Open access).

E. Li, S. Makita, S. Azuma, A. Miyazawa, and Y. Yasuno, "Compression optical coherence elastography with two-dimensional displacement measurement and local deformation visualization," Optics Letters 44, 787-790 (2019).