Sunday, October 29, 2017

研究発表: Optics Photonics & Japan 2017

日本光学会の年次講演会 Optics & Photonics Japan 2017 (2017/10/30 (月)-2017/11/2(木)、東京茗荷谷)において当研究室の学生・研究スタッフが4件の研究発表を行います。私(安野)が行う講演のように完成した研究をまとめて紹介するのではなく、いま私たちの研究室でもっともホットな研究を紹介します。

Four of our colleagues present their recent research at Optics & Photonics Japan 2017 (30th Oct. (Mon) to 2nd Nov. (Thu), Tokyo), an annual meeting of Optical Society of Japan. It is not like my (Yasuno’s) own invited presentations, but it covers cutting edge research topics now we are enthusiastically working for. I hope you can join it.

発表演題一覧 / List of presentations

11月1日(水)13:20-14:45 A会場「セッション: バイオ光学・バイオフォトニクス、医用光学(2)」
  • [1pA3] En Li et al., “Birefringence and deformation estimation of biological tissue by polarization sensitive optical coherence elastography” (偏光感受型光コヒーレンスエラストグラフィーによる生体組織の複屈折と微小変形の同時計測)
  • [1pA4] Shinnosuke Azuma “Macular analysis by multi-contrast segmentation of retinal pigment epithelium and choroid by Jones-matrix OCT” (ジョーンズ行列トモグラフィーのマルチコントラスト情報を用いた色素上皮・脈絡膜のセグメンテーション)
  • [1pA5] Deepa Kasaragod “Jones matrix optical coherence tomography based multi-contrast tissue classification of the posterior eye” (ジョーンズ行列トモグラフィーによる眼底組織弁別)
  • [1pA6] Shuichi Makita “Laser coagulation control by detecting tissue alteration with optical coherence tomography” (光コヒーレンストモグラフィーによる光凝固術における組織編成のモニタリングと凝固のアクティブ制御)
2017/11/1 (Wed) 全件、無事に発表できました。聞いていただいた皆様、質疑にご参加いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。(安野)

Saturday, October 28, 2017



Our colleague En Li was recently selected for a doctor-course research fellow of Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS). Since upcoming April, She is going to be working for her doctorate as working a professional researcher. We are excited about working with her, and we believe she does an excellent job! Congratulation, Li!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Publication: Visualization of melanin loss in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease

Our collaborator Masahiro Miura investigated the melanin loss triggered by Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (VKH) by using our Jones matrix OCT. He recently reported it in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS).

VKH is a systemic diseases characterized by whole body melanin loss. It also triggers choroidal inflammation and causes vision loss. Although the choroidal melanin property is known to be associated with the disease activity, there had not been a good tool for this investigation. Miura employed our retinal Jones matrix OCT to visualize and quantify the choroidal melanin distribution. It was found that the quantified amount of choroidal melanin is a strong identification factor of VKH activity.

The details of the study is reported in IOVS.

>> Full length article (open access)

M. Miura, S. Makita, Y. Yasuno, R. Tsukahara, Y. Usui, N.A. Rao, Y. Ikuno, S. Uematsu, T. Agawa, T. Iwasaki, and H. Goto, "Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomographic documentation of choroidal melanin loss in chronic Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease," Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 58, 4467-4476 (2017).

東京医科大学三浦雅博教授と私たち共同で進めていた原田病のメラニン特性に関する研究の成果が米研究眼科学会の論文誌 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS) に掲載されました。


この研究では私たちの研究グループで開発された眼底診断用 Jones matrix OCT 装置を用いて原田病患者の眼底メラニンの観察・定量化を行いました。これによって原田病の病型の分類が可能であることが示されました。

この研究の詳細は米研究眼科学会誌 IOVS に掲載されています。

>> Full length article (open access)

M. Miura, S. Makita, Y. Yasuno, R. Tsukahara, Y. Usui, N.A. Rao, Y. Ikuno, S. Uematsu, T. Agawa, T. Iwasaki, and H. Goto, "Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomographic documentation of choroidal melanin loss in chronic Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease," Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 58, 4467-4476 (2017).

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

OCT summer school in Korea

2017年9月12-13日に韓国釜山の Pukyong National University で行われた3大学合同 の OCT サマースクールに当研究室の李恩さん、東神之介君が参加しました。この サマースクールは高麗大学、光州科学技術院、筑波大学の三つの OCT 研究グループによって企画されたものです。ここでは、各大学の学生たちが実際に実験室で直面した技術課題を発表し、三つの大学の学生たちでその解決策を議論しました。また、懇親会ではメンバー全員で海鮮韓国料理に舌鼓をうちました!

Our students En LI and Shinnosuke AZUMA enjoyed the first Korea-Japan OCT summer school held in Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea. The summer school was co-organized by three OCT groups at Korea University (Seoul), GIST (Gwangjoo), and University of Tsukuba (Tsukuba). The students from the three universities presented practical issues they found in the lab during their OCT work, and did extensive discussions to solve it. At last but not least, we really enjoyed amazingly delicious Korean see foods!

We hope to continue this international student workshop ever 4 to 6 months.