Friday, March 13, 2009

New publication: 3D polarization sensitive OCT of glaucoma surgery

Our new paper is now published in Optics Express. This paper presents a case series of glaucoma surgeries measured by our three-dimensional polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography (3-D PS-OCT). Since this paper is an interactive scientific publication (SIP), full 3-D PS-OCT data sets of cases is downloadable in addition to conventional static picture-figures. You can download the datasets and can write your own signal processing software.

The manuscript is freely downloadable from Optics Express web-site.

Citation: Y. Yasuno, M. Yamanari, K. Kawana, T. Oshika, and M. Miura, "Investigation of post-glaucoma-surgery structures by three-dimensional and polarization sensitive anterior eye segment optical coherence tomography," Opt. Express 17, 3980-3996 (2009).

Joschi, Yoshiaki Yasuno